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Aziz Ansari  and Lena    Waithe  at Paley Live NYC 6/6/17Aziz Ansari, Alan Yang and Lena Waithe 6/9/17Daymond John and Barabara Corcoran Paley Center Sept. 2016Barbara Corcoran,Mark Cuban,Clay Newbill, Arianna Huffington at Paley Center NYC Sept. 2016Barbara Corcoran, Mark Cuban and Clay Newbill, Exec Producer Shark Tank Paley NYC 2016Barbara Corcoran and Mark Cuban Paley Center Sept. 2016Robert Redford at Paley Center NYC 12/1/15Amy Schumer 2015 Baby Buggy15 Beacon TheatreBen Stiller, 2012Janeane Garofalo 2012Denis Leary and Kate Snow 2012Denis Leary and Kate Snow 2012Denis Leary  and Kate Snow 2012John LindsayRichard Price 2012Lisa Kudrow 2012Jane Rosenthal and cast "NYC22""Cast NYC 22"Jerry Seinfeld 2Jerry Seinfeld 2012